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Forest and Farm School

Our children spend as much time outside as they do inside. The joy of children playing outside is that they learn so much and so differently from playing inside. We are particularly proud of our large gardens which include a spacious playground, forest school area, enclosed pond, growing and wildlife areas, sensory garden and our own animals.

Forest School

Our qualified forest school practitioners support all staff to offer learning in the natural world. Our sessions develop all children to: foster resilience, build confidence and independence whilst being creative learners. The children have opportunities to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and themselves. We have everything we need on site to offer these experiences every day. Our forest school activities are child-led with adults to support and guide, not to direct.

Farm School

Our edible sensory gardens and Federation allotment are tended to by the children and provides some of the fruit and vegetables eaten in nursery. We operate our own farm school where children collect the eggs and care for our animals. Farms are magical places for children. We use our on site farming experiences to develop communication and language, encourage healthy living, improve problem solving skills, initiate scientific concepts, heighten the use of our senses and understand the importance of teamwork. Spending time with our animals also builds self-esteem, self-confidence, compassion and empathy.