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Our Federation Curriculum

At CAN Schools’ Federation we are dedicated to outdoor learning and children making sense of the world around them. With the largest grounds for any Derby City Maintained nursery, we offer a unique experience in a naturally stimulating environment. At CAN schools’ Federation, we surround our children with nature. During sessions children have the opportunity to jump in puddles, make mud pies and imaginative potions, brush and feed the animals, collect eggs from the chickens, smell flowers, rain and campfires, listen to bird song, the cracking of ice and the wind in the trees.

We grow fruit, vegetables and flowers and our children get involved in harvesting, preparing and cooking their own snacks, lunch and teas as well as naturally healthy treats for our school farm animals.

We believe the closer to nature a child is the happier they will be and the more they will learn. We believe children have hundreds of ways of expressing themselves, and our inspiring environment is their third teacher (Loris Malaguzzi).

We are an experienced, fully committed staff, who go the extra mile. Educating children throughout the Early Years is our passion!

Education: an adventure to be enjoyed!

Our Federation Curriculum Goals

Our Curriculum and Assessment Policy

This terms planning

Past planning

To find out more about our curriculum, please come and talk to a member of staff, check out our monthly newsletters or follow us on Facebook.