School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
Bio-metric Information of Pupils
The schools do not use bio-metric information
Central and Ashgate Nurseries take privacy seriously. All governors, volunteers and work experience students are asked to read the Confidentiality Policy and complete the relevant agreement page. A paper copy will be available in school for you to sign.
- Confidentiality Policy and Agreements
- Food, Drink and Healthy Eating Policy.pdf
- Social Media Code of Conduct for Parents
Click here for the curriculum pages which include the school's Early Years Teaching and Learning Policy
If you have a complaint that cannot be dealt with in school, please contact the Chair of Governors on chairofgovernors@central.derby.sch.uk
For complaints regarding SEND provision please look at the SEND policy for each school within each school's SEND page
Ashgate - click here
Central - click here
Data Protection 2021
As the UK transitional arrangements expired on 31 December 2020, there are some practical changes for Data Protection and the GDPR.
To comply with the Data Protection, Privacy and Electronic Communications (Amendments etc) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 please note that every policy, notice and procedural guide that refers to ‘GDPR’ shall now be read as ‘UK GDPR’.
The rights, responsibilities and data protection that the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR are not changed. Our procedures and arrangements will not change.
If you have any queries please contact Helen Fearn
Data Protection Policies
- Data Breach Flowchart.pdf
- Equality Information And Objectives Policy.pdf
- Freedom of Information Policy
For freedom of information requests please contact Suzanne Robson, School Business Manager:
- Central Nursery, admin@central.derby.sch.uk
43, Nuns St, Derby DE1 3LR. 01332 342647
- Ashgate Nursery, admin@ashgaten.derby.sch.uk
18, Stepping Lane, Derby, DE1 1GJ. 01332 371769